Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Embryonic Research A Battle of Fallacies Essay - 1431 Words

Many women are eager to become a mother, but infertility prevents some women from satisfying this need. To counter this widespread problem, we develop reproductive choices. One of the most important choices is in vitro fertilization. Even though this method significantly increases pregnancy rate in infertile women, it comes with the problem. Underlying in vitro fertilization is research on living human embryos. We need to research on countless living embryos in order to develop clinical in vitro fertilization. This stirs public attention on its morality. Society asks: Are we killing thousands of human life while we are developing method to give birth to other ones? This question is crucial because it is asking very foundation of our†¦show more content†¦He emphasizes the important of embryos’ life and right to develop to be a mature human. First logical fallacy found in Kass’s essay is inappropriate generalization with the lacking of evidence. Kass supports his statement that life begins at fertilization by asserting, â€Å"Any honest biologist must be impressed by these facts, and must be inclined, at least on first glance, to the view that a human life begins at fertilization† (101). In this sentence, he claims that any honest biologist must agree with him. There is no evidence, or at least, reason provided to support this claim. Apart from inappropriate generalization, Kass also frames his readers’ perspective by using several accusatory words and erroneous analogy to portray embryonic research in devilish way. He describes embryonic research as â€Å"destruction of fetal life† (103), â€Å"destruction of blastocyst† (104), and â€Å"manipulative experiments involving such embryos† (104). Moreover, Kass analogizes the research method with cannibalism. He writes, â€Å"We would, I suppose, recoil even from the thought, let alone the practice†¦of eating such embryos†¦Ã¢â‚¬Ëœhuman caviar’ † (102). He adds that â€Å"human blastocyst would be protected by our taboo against cannibalism† (102). Then Kass concludes that human embryo is not a mere meat and it should be protected from invasive research. In this human caviar analogy, however, Kass omits a crucialShow MoreRelatedEmbryonic Research1080 Words   |  5 Pagesreproductive choices, we need to rese arch on living human embryo. Because its procedures terminate the life of embryo, embryonic research stirs up public attention on its morality. Society questions if these methods are morally right. Do they violate the meaning of personhood and life? Do we kill a human when we research the embryos? These questions are asking our foundation of morality. We must be cautious and avoid any logical fallacies when we answer them. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Eternal Reward And Consequences Beyond Residency Essay

There will be eternal reward and consequences beyond residency in heaven. The judgment time is called the Bema Seat of Christ or judgment seat of Christ. That day of reckoning is described in the following three passages: 1 Corinthians 3:12-15, 2 Corinthians 5:10, and Romans 14:10-12. These passages include a reckoning of more than just financial issues. The above truth is a sobering fact of Scripture. If Millennials were to internalize these values, it would create a sense of careful calculations in all matters of life. After determining that God owns all things and that Christians are accountable to God, it is important to clarify how the word steward is used in the Bible. In biblical times a steward was a trusted person given responsibility for someone else’s possessions which may include care for livestock, immediate family members, or servants. , A steward’s duty was to manage on behalf of the master with the purpose to increase the master’s resources or influence. Finally, it implied some form of judgment or reckoning to reward the steward if he was faithful in the management of the entrusted resources. â€Å"Often, stewardship is thought of only in terms of finances, but the Bible teaches that stewardship is a far greater concept, involving how we respond with all of our life.† For the purposes of this dissertation topic, the Project Director acknowledges stewardship includes more than finances but will focus predominantly on financial stewardship. If the project Show MoreRelatedThe Great Divorce and The Divine Comedy3095 Words   |  13 Pageschoice of the individual soul, while Dante shows the results of one’s choices. Perhaps, this is why Lewis does not focus on hell extensively, while Dante does. Dante explores the reasoning behind sins, focusing on the punishments, the penance and rewards of riding oneself of the seven deadly sins and the distortions of love that lead to those sins. Dante represents how sins are sorted into hierarchies of punishment and penance, namely appetites, seen as less damning, and distortions of love, whichRead More8 stages of social development6628 Words   |  27 Pagescausing a shift toward the opposite pole. Me decades become us epochs as we constantly spiral up, or spiral down in response to life conditions. Some social stages stress diversity generators that reward individual initiatives and value human rights. Other social stages impose conformity regulators and reward cooperative, collective act ions. Societies will zigzag between these two poles, thus embracing different models at each tilt. Once a new social stage appears in a culture, it will spread its instructionalRead MoreCommercial Liens - a Potent Weapon Essay32374 Words   |  130 Pagespublisher guarantee that using this information will result in success or protect the reader from harm. The reader must accept that risk, and thoroughly study the law before using any of this material. Readers must take full responsibility for the consequences of any actions taken based on the contents of this manual. For most readers, you may well be best off reading this as a sort of adventure novel. You can learn of some of the actual documents and procedures being used by many freedom fightersRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesdecades of agrarian and industrial depression from the late 1860s to the 1890s, as well as the social tensions and political rivalries that generated and were in turn fed by imperialist expansionism, one cannot begin to comprehend the causes and consequences of the Great War that began in 1914. That conflict determined the contours of the twentieth century in myriad ways. On the one hand, the war set in motion transformative processes that were clearly major departures from those that defined the

Key Reason to Hold the Inventory

Question: Identify key reasons that organizations may need to hold inventories. What factors may lead an organization to change the level of inventories that it holds? How could such a decision affect the other elements of working capital? Answer: Key reason to hold the inventory One of the major reasons for organization to hold the inventory is to manage and control the increase and decrease of demand and supply within the changing market environment. The growing and demand of product makes the company to hold the inventory in order to increase the price of the product to gain the maximum benefit out of it (Arthur et al. 2010). Apart from that, organization also holds the inventory in order to lower purchase for future. This helps the organization helps to gain the price benefit when the price of raw materials is higher at peak season. Another major benefit is to take advantages of economies scale which is very much helpful for the organization in the long run. On the other hand, holding inventory creates higher sales during the seasonal products offerings (Berger et al. 2007). For instance, during year 1994, Dell computer faces losses because of demand of products was decline because of the too much of stock push which ultimately results into write off the inventory. Moreover, inventory helps the manufacturing company to reduce the uncertainty and help to availability of products and services in the market e.g. FMCG and grocery items (Campbell and Shiller, 2008). However, most of the organisation or rather industry holds the inventory to increase the price of their products. Some of the major company that holds the inventory to increase the price of the products are cement and oil companies has formed cartels to hold the supplies to create higher price. Factors lead to change the level of inventory Changing demand: With the changing market trend and demand keeps the manufacturer to hold the inventory which helps them to manage the variation in demand. Manufacturing organization keeps changing its plan as per the increase in decrease of demand and sales (Dechow, 2008). Holding raw materials helps the company to always be ready to cope with changes in demand in near future. Most of the organizations estimate its demand cost of products and accordingly hold the inventory in order to manage the higher demand of the products (Finger, 2008). Price: Other major factors that influences the companies to hold their inventory is price. Most of the companies hold their inventory to increase the price fluctuation within the existing market. Some of the major companies who are form cartel to increase the price are oil and gas companies (Hashemi, 2008). Apart from that, some of the manufacturing companies estimate the increase in the price of raw materials lead to change in future makes them purchase more and hold the inventory to reduce their cost of production in near future. Apart from that, it also helps the organization to reduce the cost of transformation which is rising with every year (Khairurizka, 2009). Availability of products: Form most of the FMCG companies like Wal-Mart, Tesco and Coles holing inventory to cater the rising demand of the products. Company hold or rather store most of inventory to take advantages of product availability in the market incomer to other competitors (Lewellen, 2009). Apart from that, it also helps the companies to gain the seasonal discount and off season price for the consumers which help these retail companies to gain the large customer base. Inventory decision making affects the working capital Holding inventory affect the working capital of the company in many ways it affects the short term receivables, cash bank balance and accounts receivables and accounts payables. Working capital management helps the company to smooth running of their operations (Balakrishnan and Sivaramakrishnan, 2008). Holding the inventory may increase the company accounts payables or increase the cost of inventory holding which may lead to difficulty in managing the operations. If the accounts payables is affected due to higher inventory holding cause the company huge shortage of cash for managing their short term obligations (Banker and Chen, 2006). This will also impact in their working capital cycle of the company which would affect the company cash flow statement. Holding large inventory needs lots of cash spending which may affect the supply chain of the company (Khairurizka, 2009). Short term loan will be required to gain the smooth running of existing operation which will creates huge problem for the company because company has to pay interest on loan. Most of the MNC like Tesco and Asda keep their inventory intact which why their current ratio are poor. For manufacturing the storing of the large inventory or holding inventory is to create the demand of the products for seasonal sales which again helps the company to increase their sales. Working capital cycle is very much affected by the inventory management because it can create imbalance between the trade receivable and trade payables. Reference List Journals Arthur, N., Cheng, M. and Czernkowski, R. (2010) "Cash flow disaggregation and the prediction of future earnings". Accounting Finance, 50, pp. 130. Berger, P., Ofek, E. and Swary, I. (2007) "Investor valuation of the abandonment option", Journal of Financial Economics, 42, pp. 257287 Campbell, J. and Shiller, R. (2008) The dividend-price ratio and expectations of future dividends and discount factors. Review of Financial Studies 1, 195228. Dechow, P.M. (2008) "Accounting Earning and Cash Flows as Measures of Firm Performance", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 18, pp. 3-42. Finger, C. A. (2008) "The Ability of Earnings to Predict Future Earnings and Cash Flow", Journal of Accounting Research 32, pp. 210-223. Hashemi, S. A. (2008) Analyze the relationship between operating cash flows and accruals, operating cash flow forecasting model, according and Auditing Review, 38, 1-24. Khairurizka, R. (2009) The effect of financial ratios, firm size, and cash flow from operating activities in the interim report to the stock return,) Chinese Business Review, 8(6) , 44-53. Lewellen, J. (2009) Predicting returns with financial ratios, Journal of Financial Economics, 74, 209-235 Balakrishnan, R. and Sivaramakrishnan, K. (2008) A critical overview of the use of fullcost data for planning and pricing. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 14: 3-31 Banker, R., and Chen, L. (2006) Predicting Earnings Using a Model Based on Cost Variability and Cost Stickiness. The Accounting Review 81, 285307.